The Journal of Nikkei Community
Japonism VictoriaはカナダBC州ビクトリア市の日系コミュニティ・ジャーナルです。最高度のカナダ多文化主義の実現に向けて研究活動を行うJapanese Canadian Community Organization of Victoriaが発行しています。Japonism Victoriaの創刊は2009年3月です。
A touch of west coast Japanese Culture
Every issue of Japonism Victoria delivers a good perspective for unveiling the spirituality which is often hidden behind the Japanese culture as tradition or folks like Shintoism, tea ceremony, art of flower, Kendo, Origami or Girl's Festival. The spirituality could have a more vivid image as viewed from outside the mother country.
Japonism Victoria は毎号,神道・茶道・華道・剣道・折り紙・ひな祭りなどの伝統や習俗に代表される日本文化の深層にひそむ「精神性」を考えるパースペクティブを提供しています。精神性は国外にいた方がより鮮明に認識できることがあります。
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尾崎 光越
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Vincent A. @ ELC Research International
◆The difference between Shintoism and Buddhism
In the first and second installments of this series, I outlined the history of a magnificent and sophisticated rhetoric called "syncretic fusion of Buddhism and Shintoism" which was devised by the type of Buddhism introduced into Japan in an attempt to swallow whole ancient Japanese Shinto (Old Shinto or The Faith of Deities of Heaven and Earth). The first scenario of the above schema was comprised of a divine message sent from a Kami (god), asking for Shinshin Ridatsu (secession from being a Kami) as the Kami had been completely exhausted by the state and function of being a Kami for quite a long time and wished to convert to Buddhism and be relieved thereby......
The second scenario used was an incarnation theory called Honji Suijaku theory, wherein Honji Suijaku means manifestation of the prime noumenon, asserting that Kami is an incarnation of Buddha.....
However, despite the use of such sophisticated rhetoric, Buddhist priests were not able to turn Japan into a completely Buddhist country. There were at least two factors at play...
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Vincent A. @ ELC Research International ◆Existence of Buddhha In the last issue, I wrote about the differences between Shintoism and Buddhism, and explained that Buddhism is a religion wherein logic is valued greatly, whereas Shinto is a religion purely based on intuitive and spiritual cognition, and furthermore that the Kami (gods) of Shinto exist in reality, whereas the Buddhas of Buddhism are present in the world of ideas and do not exist in physical reality. However, I added, at the end, that, on the contrary, Buddhas which do not exist solely in theory might actually be real and existing. The issue of whether Buddhas exist in reality, or not, is a useful key to understanding both Buddhism and Shintoism in Japan. So, I would like to discuss it in this issue.
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Vincent A. @ ELC Research International
◆Buddhism on the Decline: Dislike to Priests and Aversion to Temples
Decrease of Temples
In terms of number of adherents, Japan is one of the world's major Buddhist countries. The number of Buddhism believers in Japan has been reported either as 84 million or as 46 million, which figure is second to China or third, following China and Thailand....
However, Japanese Buddhism, as such, is now clearly developing symptoms of decline. One is a drastic decrease in the number of temples, and it results from the increase in the number of abandoned temples and uninhabited temples (temples without a resident priest.) This is particularly notable in low uplands (low mountainous areas) in provinces of Japan. One factor in the decline of active temples is the shortage of successors....
Another factor in the decrease of Buddhist temples in Japan is the decrease of Danka families, wherein Danka (檀家) means a Buddhist parishioner who supports a Buddhist temple. Actually, Japanese Buddhist temples can be distinguished in various ways....
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Vincent A. @ ELC Research International
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Vincent A. @ ELC Research International
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VincentA. @ ELC Research International
◆仏教の衰退 ──嫌われる僧侶・疎まれる寺
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Japonism Victoria is a free journal available in electronic format(*). It is published "non-periodically," so we recommend you to register your email address; and you will be informed every time a new issue is published. Email address registration or journal subscription is completely free of charge! Further, in the registration, neither your name nor username is required; just your email address and place (city and province) for statistical purposes are asked. Please register your email address today!
Japonism Victoria は電子発行される無料誌です(*)。不定期の発行ですのでメールアドレスの登録をお勧めします。ご登録いただくと毎号発行時にメール通知が届きます。登録も購読も無料!登録に際してお名前・ユーザ名は不要です。メールアドレスと統計処理に必要なお住まいの市・州(日本の方は都道府県名)のみでOKです。 この機会にぜひお申し込みください!
* Publication in print format has been discontinued. 印刷版は発行中止となりました。Registration 登録
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既刊号(直近数号を除く)に掲載の記事は関連サイト にアップロードされています。下のボタンをタップ/クリックしてそのサイトにジャンプできます。
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Japonism Victoria Latest Issues
Japonism Victoria Vol.9 No.2 --- to be published soon
■ Opening Message
■ 神道と仏教と日本人 第6回 Vincent A.
■ Shinto and Buddism, and Japanese People No.6 Vincent A.
■ 交流分析 第1回 奥井一美
Japonism Victoria Vol.9 No.1
■ 神道と仏教と日本人 第5回 Vincent A.
■ Shinto and Buddism, and Japanese People No.5 Vincent A.
■ 算命学の泉 最終回 尾崎光越
■ Japonism Victoria Vol.9 No.1 [Full Text PDF]
Japonism Victoria Vol.8 No.9
■ 神道と仏教と日本人 第4回 Vincent A.
■ Shinto and Buddism, and Japanese People No.4 Vincent A.
■ EU(欧州連合)の成立と現在 第2回 内田晃 (
■ 指圧の神髄 第2回 池永清 (
■ Japonism Victoria Vol.8 No.9 [Full Text PDF]
Japonism Victoria Vol.8 No.8
■ 神道と仏教と日本人 第3回 Vincent A.
■ Shinto and Buddism, and Japanese People No.3 Vincent A.
■ 算命学の泉 第4回 尾崎光越 (
■ EU(欧州連合)の成立と現在 第1回 内田晃 (
■ 指圧の神髄 第1回 池永清 (
■ Japonism Victoria Vol.8 No.8 [Full Text PDF]

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